Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fading of the Dollar's Dominance

By Anthony Faiola

The days of calling the dollar almighty may be numbered.

Since World War II, when the dollar eclipsed the British pound as the king of world currencies, the United States has reaped the rewards of its monetary strength. The greenback's sense of indestructibility allowed the U.S. government to borrow cheaply and gave rise to an era of rich American globetrotters toting the world's most easily convertible form of cash.

But the financial crisis that started in the United States is dramatically intensifying the debate over the future of the dollar, and whether it can, or should, remain at the top of the financial food chain. Although a meaningful shift away from the dollar is likely to take years or more, some analysts believe that the debate is now reaching a tipping point.

Last week, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China -- whose governments are some of the world's largest dollar holders -- jointly declared the need for a "more diversified international monetary system," sparking a drop in the greenback on world markets. In recent months, China in particular has led a campaign for a new world monetary order, arguing that the financial crisis has exposed profound vulnerabilities in the U.S. economy and financial system. Those flaws, critics argue, show it is simply too risky for the world's central banks to rely largely on the dollar for their global reserves.

At the same time, Beijing has taken unprecedented steps to increase the international role of its own currency, the yuan, to a level commensurate with China's relatively new status as a major economic power. In the coming weeks, the International Monetary Fund -- the institution charged with the monitoring and stability of the global economy -- will issue a vast amount of currency-like assets known as Special Drawing Rights, which some analysts see as a long-term substitute for the hordes of dollar reserves being held by central banks around the world. Some now envision that the dollar will fall from its recent levels of 60 to 65 percent of international reserves to less than 50 percent a decade from now.
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