Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What You Dont Know CAN Hurt You

Fed Appeals Decision To Disclose Recipients Of Bailout Loans, Threatens With "Run By Depositors"

It has been about a month since the Fed last threatened with mass extinction events if it were forced to disclose whose crony interests it had been propping with taxpayer money, as it was ordered to do in the Bloomberg (Mark Pittman) v Federal Reserve case (08-cv-9595) on August 24. Today, the Chairman is out, guns blazing, and is appealing the decision.

From Bloomberg:

The Federal Reserve is appealing a judge’s order requiring the central bank to identify the financial institutions that benefited from its emergency loans, according to a lawyer representing Bloomberg LP.

The central bank refused to divulge details about the companies participating in its 10 remaining lending programs, saying that doing so might set off a run by depositors. The Fed had until today to seek a reversal of the Aug. 24 decision by Manhattan Chief U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska, who ruled the Fed must release the identities, as well as disclose loan amounts and the assets put up as collateral.

And as the second circuit already showed its true colors in the Chrysler fiasco some months ago, it is likely that this case will once again reach the Supreme Court, probably about a month from now. October will thus likely be a very critical month for the Chairman, who will be besieged on two front - the legislative and the judicial, as Congress will be pushing for passage of HR 1207 at about the same time that the Supreme Court does it best to pretend that it is the last bastion of non-corrupted, Wall Street uninfiltrated interests, yet, as is always the case, only to show its true colors at the end of the day, once again confirming just which firms run the United States of America.

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