Thursday, May 14, 2009

"I'm Gonna Make You An Offer You Cant Refuse" - Hank Paulson

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash

Remember the infamous meeting when then Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson had the heads of 9 major banks come down to Washington? It was then that he made them the offer they couldn't refuse. Take TARP cash, or else!

Now Judicial Watch -- the conservative watchdog organization which was famous for giving the Clinton administration fits -- has uncovered secret documents from that meeting via the Freedom of Information Act. A few of them are really quite stunning.

The first 1-pager is Paulson's talking points for the bank. It basically confirms that he put a gun to all their heads. It says they must agree to take their cash, and that if they protested, then each bank's regulator would force them to take it anyway.

See Actual Documents Here

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