Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke

Campaign for Liberty
On Tuesday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke appeared before the Joint Economic Committee, where Congressman Paul questioned him about government intervention and the lack of transparency at the Federal Reserve.

And we're proud to announce that HR 1207, Dr. Paul's bill to Audit the Fed, is now up to 124 cosponsors!


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is my president. I have, and will continue to add precious metals to my portfolio. I sleep a lot better at night because of it.

Anonymous said...

It's just amazing that Bernanke is able to keep a straight face when he knows everything Dr. Paul says is right! Private bankers are sucking up our future by enslaving us and future generations! Thanks for putting this video up guys... everyone should see it!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh.... Bernanke's head is blinding me!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Exactly what I was thinking!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Ron Paul is my president. I have, and will continue to add precious metals to my portfolio. I sleep a lot better at night because of it."

YEA!! I voted for him anyway! Last honest politician in Washington except for maybe Kucinich.

john maynard said...

If you look closely, you can see beads of sweat on Bernankes face.

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