Thursday, April 8, 2010

Inflation Warning Etched in Steel

Bill Fleckenstein
MSN Money
April 5, 2010

Pretend it’s 1933, as so many in the deflation camp think it is or soon will be (at least from the price-of-everything standpoint). If last Wednesday you reached for a copy of that day’s Financial Times, would you have expected to see the following headline — “Steel prices set to soar: Everyday goods will cost more” — in large print above the fold?

I don’t think so.

The newspaper went on to say: “Global steel prices are set to rise by up to a third, pushing up the cost of everyday goods from cars to domestic appliances, after miners and steelmakers yesterday agreed to a ground-breaking change in the iron ore price system.”

All along, as I’ve talked about money printing, I have said it was not possible to explain in advance which goods would climb in price (or when). I just knew that as the new money was put into circulation, prices would ultimately rise. Now they have, to some degree, for various items. Steel is a great example along with other base metals, oil, health care, insurance and taxes.

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