Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sprott's John Embry Discusses Gold Manipulation

Tyler Durden

"While on the subject of gold manipulation, last month I referred to the cartel's specific modus operandi on those days when its members choose to take gold lower. However, this is only one of their ploys.

Another page in their playbook relates to keeping enthusiasm in the gold sector as subdued as possible. Gold is seldom, if ever, allowed to rise more than two percent on a given day. If strong buying propels gold higher, massive selling inevitably appears when it has risen two percent and continues until gold is stopped dead in its tracks. The next day, to ensure that there is no follow-through fervor, any further upside is capped at a one percent gain.

Following that, gold is held in check until the long speculators who propelled the original rise lose patience. At that point, the cartel looks for an opportunity to clean them out. I realize this sounds pretty Machiavellian but I can only point to the trading patterns as confirmation." John Embry of Sprott Asset Management

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